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Monday, February 20, 2012

Transforming Your Life: 21-Day Cleanse and Meditation Challenge

One year ago I began a journey towards wellness.  Not that I was not "well" before then, in fact by many standards I was really healthy. However, there was so much more I intuitively knew I needed to do.  Before this day, one year ago, I was a vegan who exercised regularly... however, despite all my healthy efforts I was a stressed out, weight gaining, acne prone teacher by day, and sleepless, exhausted, grouch by night.

My big sister who has always been the driving force in my journey of wellness, gave me Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Diet as a Christmas gift.... and my life changed.  At the same time, I joined the Chopra Center's 21 Day Meditation Challenge, which just so happens, to begin today! In this past year, I have given up gluten, traded in coffee for green juice, and now meditate, and journal on a regular basis.  I am so much more relaxed, less stressed, more confident, and happier than I was a year ago. I cannot even begin to explain how this has benefitted all aspects of my life!

Today in honor of my year of growth, I am beginning the 21-Day Cleanse and the 21-Day Meditation Challenge.  I want YOU to join me! For information on each, check out the links.

Some of you might be thinking, why do I need to cleanse?  I eat a very clean diet 90% of the time.  But, being a 20-something-year-old, I do have some not so healthy habits (like drinking on the weekends).  I also live in New Jersey, where there are many environmental pollutants that I have very little control over, and prefer not to walk around wearing an oxygen mask (new fashion statement, anybody?).  Doing a cleanse is my way of putting my body on a vacation.  Doing something great for my body. We all need to give our bodies a break from time to time, no matter how healthy you are.

I encourage you to challenge your body and mind with me.  You will be so grateful you did, and in 21 days your life will have changed dramatically.  Who knows, like me, you may go off of the cleanse and decide that THAT is how you want to live.

So, as I sit here with green juice in my hand, and preparing for day one of my meditation, I send you my unconditional love, support, and motivation. You are an amazing human being who deserves this, you can change your life. <3

Peek at My Day:

  • Wake up after 7 1/2 hours of sleep giving gratitude
  • Drink a glass of water with 1/2 lemon and dash of cayenne pepper
  • Drink green tea
  • Sit comfortably to complete the days meditation challenge
  • Exercise (if enough time, or else do after work) 
  • Prepare green juice, smoothie, and decaf green tea
  • Dry brush followed by a warm shower followed by a cold rinse
  • Breathe while getting ready for work and driving there
  • Sip on juice followed by smoothie followed by vitamins (probiotics, multi, vitamin D, B12, vitamin C)
  • Eat a large kale salad with various colored veggies and sip on decaf green tea
  • If still hungry eat snack of fruit or almonds or other raw nuts/seeds
  • After work go for a run and stretch to calm music (if not accomplished in the morning)
  • Prepare and eat a salad with a light vegan meal of choice
  • Prepare tomorrow's lunch and pick out clothing
  • Dim the lights and sip decaf tea before bed
  • Brush and floss teeth, wash face, rinse with cold water
  • Give gratitude before bed (at least 3 things that happened today)
  • Sleep tight <3


  1. Awesome post! And Congratulations on your One Year Anniversary on your journey to wellness. As I read your post, it was if I was reading my life before it changed. Kris Carr was conducting a 21 day cleanse on her website back in 2009 and I participated. My life changed! Isn't it amazing? The transformation is remarkable. I am SO happy for you and thank you for sharing your story and results. Keep up the great work on your blog, I look forward to reading your wisdom, experiences and advice! You, go, Amanda!!!

  2. Thank you JodyLynn! I truly appreciate your support :) I know you feel the same as I do-- the life style change increased so many aspects of my life that I know I need to go out and share it with the world! Xox
